coachman garage door

5 Garage Door Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Door Operating Smoothly

As a homeowner, you rely on your garage door to access your home multiple times a day and you want to be sure that you can depend on it to perform, as it should. As the largest moving part in most homes, it’s essential that you take the time to look after your Omaha garage door properly and carry out regular repair and maintenance to ensure that it stands the test of time. If you take care of your garage door, you will be able to depend on it to work as intended for many years to come.

residential garage door installation in Omaha NE

5 Garage Door Maintenance Tips

With a few simple tips and tricks, you can ensure that your garage door doesn’t take on too much wear and tear and continues to operate smoothly. Let’s take a closer look at five garage door maintenance tips that you can implement with ease to care for your garage door.

1. Lubricate Moving Parts

It might only take you about ten minutes per year but taking the time to grease up your garage door’s moving parts will help it last for a long time to come. Just a small amount of garage door lubrication can make a big difference when it comes to preventing noise and keeping your residential garage door opening and closing properly. Use a spray lubricant to coat the opener’s chain or drive screw. You can also add some lubricant to the overhead springs, hinges, rollers, and door tracks.

2. Test The Balance Of Your Omaha Garage Door

If a garage door is not correctly balanced, the overhead door will have to work extra hard and therefore will not last as long. In order to extend the life of your garage door opener and keep your door operating smoothly, you need to test the balance of your commercial garage door. Simply disconnect the opener by pulling the release handle. Next, partly open the door manually. If the door is correctly balanced, it will maintain this position without any assistance from you. However, if it moves up or down on one side or the other you will need to adjust the door springs. As this can be a delicate matter, it is best to call our team of professionals at AAA Garage Door Inc. to ensure you get the garage door balance just right.

3. Tighten The Hardware

Since a garage door opens and closes several times in a day, it’s not unusual for the hardware to become loose over time. In fact, the average overhead door opens and closes over a thousand times a year and all of this movement can naturally cause different elements to loosen. Be sure to check the garage door hardware from time to time and tighten any parts that appear to have become loose or contact us at AAA Garage Door Inc. and let our garage door specialists check over your hardware for you.

4. Check The Auto-Reverse Feature

Perfoming a safety test for the auto-reverse feature once or twice per year is a good practice to get into. Designed as a safety feature, the door should automatically reverse when it comes into contact with something as it is closing. To test it, you can put a large item in the path of the door, between the door and the ground. If your Omaha garage door starts reversing automatically when it comes into contact with the object, it is working correctly.

More modern door openers often have a photoelectric system, which is used to detect people or pets walking under the door. As the door is closing, simply wave your foot underneath it and the door should auto-reverse. If your door fails to auto-reverse in either test, you will need to have your garage door opener repaired. You can also avail of our comprehensive Garage Door Safety Tune-Up Service at AAA Garage Door Inc. so that you can rest easy knowing that your garage will not be the cause of damage or injury.

5. Visual Garage Door Inspection

Inspecting your garage for water damage, chips and peeling paint from time to time is important to prevent any low-level damage from getting worse. Depending on what material your garage door is constructed from, you may need to carry out additional maintenance. For example, if your door is made of steel, rust spots may develop which will need to be sanded, primed and painted. A timber overhead garage door, on the other hand, may need to be treated to keep the wood from becoming damaged from exposure to the elements. At AAA Garage Door Inc., we offer a weather seal and preventative maintenance service that are specifically designed to help keep your garage door from encountering unnecessary problems.

Get Help From The Pros With Your Garage Door Maintenance

View Our Garage Door Services

Ensuring that your garage door is properly maintained is vital in making sure that it stands the test of time and that it will operate smoothly. If you need assistance with your garage door maintenance, get in touch with our team of garage door experts and service technicians at AAA Garage Door Inc., today. With our extensive experience with garage doors, you can be sure that your garage door will be in good hands.

Felipe Pinales

Reviewed By: Felipe Pinales - Felipe is Nebraska’s first IDEA-certified Master Technician. He has been employed by AAA Garage Door for 6+ years, and has had the Master Technician Certification in his sights since he began. Felipe has also passed four written examinations including Residential Installer Certification, Commercial Sectional Door Systems Technician Certification, Commercial Rolling Door Systems Technician Certification, and Rolling Steel Fire Door Technician Certification. Felipe is constantly looking for ways to improve his abilities within our industry. His goal is to become the best garage door technician possible to best assist his customers and fellow co-workers.
